Big Magic Sisterhood
What exactly is a Women’s Circle?
Women in Circle is a gathering of women supporting each other. Circles have been around since the beginning of time. A place where we gathered to cook, eat our food, swap stories and share wisdom. We would gather in menstrual tents and rest during our periods, after childbirth and when we were ill. We would gather for nourishment, to be acknowledged and to be supported by our fellow sisters.
The purpose of a circle is to assist every woman to receive support and empowerment to live her own unique life to the fullest. In modern times we may meet at a Mothers Group, be on the Parent and Teachers Associations at School (notice how many women run these groups), join an art class, cooking class or book club. Attend party planning events or meet up with friends for coffee. The women’s circles of ancient times reflect the purpose of the modern circle and connect those present in a singular purpose – to love, nourish, share, grow and support.
Women who share stories can work towards a deeper understanding of their own identity and that of the group. Sharing joy, working on projects or participating in sacred rituals all allow a deeper sense of self and purpose.
My vision to create a safe space for connection and support began 9 years ago when I started to attend the yearly Seven Sisters Festival founded by the beautiful Lauren Woodman. I saw the huge amount of healing that took place over this sacred weekend and had a desire to create a similar space for women, and those that identify as women, from all walks of life.
After completing my Circle Faciliators Certification through Imogen Bailey Honouring Hearts Training in 2019 I created the Big Magic Sisterhood.
Covid has provided some challenges in the last 12 months, but I am hopeful with the Big Magic Sisterhood Tent, that is situated in my garden in Wantirna South, Victoria, that we can build up some momentum again. Please visit the Events Page on the button below for all upcoming Circles, Meditation classes and Workshops.
“The best way to help others heal is not to tell them what they should, rather, you start with generous listening. As Parker Palmer, the great Quaker educator, puts it: Do not advise them. Do not to try to fix them. Do not to tell them what they should do. Do not try to be wise or show off your expertise in healing. Simply be there for them, a witness to their exploration of their own path.”Michael Lerner, Intentional Healing